The Simplest way to Stop Bloating
The Simplest way to Stop Bloating
Everyone has experienced this: One day you may feel toned and tight, and the next you may be reaching for your go-to sweatpants and big sweater. There are a variety of causes for feeling bloated, including impending menstruation or overindulging during a night of pizza and wine with friends. There is no guilt, but you could now feel a little queasy and bloated.
When you're feeling uncomfortably bloated, you need a solution that provides relief right away.
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1. Drink only water or tea
People who are bloated frequently avoid drinking enough water because they believe it would exacerbate their bloating. The reverse is true because water retention is the body's method of retaining fluid to prevent dehydration. By consuming a lot of water and avoiding hydrating alcohol, you are telling your body that it no longer has to conserve every last drop of moisture.
2. Consider Probiotics
According to Richard Lin, CEO of microbiome health business Thryve, certain (but not necessarily all) probiotic strains, or the good bacteria in our digestive tract, have been demonstrated to help decrease bloating symptoms. Shapiro recommends plain whole fat Greek yogurt for a boost of good bacteria (also known as probiotics), which will aid digestion and keep your stomach flat.
3. Boost your potassium intake
Speaking of how sodium can cause you to retain water, if you're feeling bloated from the French fries you had for lunch, try munching on a banana, which is high in potassium.
According to Dr. Bechtold, potassium can assist the kidneys in eliminating salt, which may reduce water retention. Oranges and strawberries are other excellent providers of potassium if bananas aren't your thing.
4. Limit your salt consumption
After a particularly salty meal, you may feel bloated because too much sodium makes your kidneys hold water. The good news is that reducing your salt intake, according to Dr. Bechtold, aids your kidneys in eliminating all the extra water in your body, which will help you reduce your puffiness.
He advises avoiding prepackaged foods in favor of fresh ones, forgoing salt at dinner in favor of aromatic spices, cooking your own food at home rather than going out to eat, and carefully reading food labels to check for sodium levels. The Food and Drug Administration advises limiting sodium intake to 2,300 mg per day.
5. Give your tummy a massage
You may try your hand at some amateur abdominal massage, which Dr. Bechtold says is a safe approach to assist cure constipation, if you don't want to make any dietary changes to reduce your bloat. Beginning on your lower right side and moving clockwise up to your rib cage, then across and down to your pelvis, is how you should massage the abdomen, according to the expert.
6. Do not eat dinner too late
Overeating can give you a bloated feeling. Additionally, nobody wants to eat before bed. The stress on your digestive system is not to mention. And it may cause you to put on weight.
7. Exercise lightly on a regular basis
Additionally, mild exercise has been reported to help lessen the symptoms of bloating and fullness in your stomach that occur after a meal. In one study of 94 persons, it was discovered that a 10-15-minute walk after a meal significantly reduced the feeling of bloating compared to drugs.
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